Eadgar's ruse quick guide
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Tricking the trollsEdit · Walk back out of the stronghold and head east to the top of the mountain. · Talk to Eadgar. · Talk to Parroty Pete at the Ardougne Zoo. To start the Quest, first speak to Sanfew in his house in Taverley. · Go to the Spiral Mountain near the Troll Stronghold. · Go into the cave and talk to Eadgar. Talk to Tegid in Taverley south-east of the Herblore store for a dirty robe. · Pick a thistle in one of the grass patches near Eadgar's cave entrance. · Enter Alfred Grimhand Barcrawl Mini-quest, 10.05 Possible guide unlocked whom takes you to CoX and Shayzien teleport Eadgar's ruse, 20.50, 1, 2.93. Quests are essential for advancing in Old School Runescape. There are many bosses, locations, mini-games, skills, items, spell books and so on that requireDragon Slayer II/Quick guide. 12m. Dream Mentor/Quick guide. 3m. Druidic Ritual/Quick guide. 1m. Dwarf Cannon/Quick guide. 1m. E. Eadgar's Ruse/Quick guide. Talk to Tegid southeast of Sanfew for dirty clothes. · Return to Eadgar's cave. · Pick a thistle near the patches of grass near the cave entrance. · Talk to Eadgar
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