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Quadcopter X HK KK2.0 FW V1.5 Vol.49 Test Flight Flying. Hobbyking KK2.0 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board + TURNIGY Plush 25amp Speed Controller + TurnigyThe KKmulticontroller is a flight control board for remote control This then processes the information according the the KK software and sends out a. This drone includes a frame, flight control board, motors, electronic speed controllers, a transmitter, a receiver, Lipo battery and camera interfaced with Flight Controller have Gyroscope and Accelerometer to compute the details at the KK2.1 is the next evolution of the first generation KK flight control KK 2.1.5 Multi rotor Flight Control Board. KK2.1 Multi-Rotor controller manages the flight of (mostly) multi- rotor Aircraft (Tri copters, Quadcopters,
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